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Initial Dan-NICAD II results presented today at ESC


Press release
Malmö, Sweden, August 27, 2021

Initial Dan-NICAD II results presented today at ESC

Study confirms excellent rule-out capacity of CADScor®, almost 50% of intermediate CAD risk patients can be deferred from further diagnostic testing.

A large proportion of patients presenting with chronic chest pain have intermediate risk of CAD (Coronary Artery Disease). The ESC guidelines (2019) point out the challenges in establishing a clear strategy for deferral or referral of these patients.

The Dan-NICAD II trial was initiated in January 2018 to assess non-invasive methods in patients referred to Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography due to symptoms suggestive of obstructive CAD, including the novel CADScor®System from Acarix AB.

The original Dan-NICAD I study demonstrated the high negative predictive value of CADScor® in a cohort of 1,675 patients with suspected stable CAD.

The Dan-NICAD II study aims to further establish diagnostic accuracy in additional 1,732 patients in an expanded age group from 30 years with a special focus on intermediate risk patients.

“With the high negative predictive value of 95%, the Dan-NICAD II results confirm the potential of the CADScor®System for early rule out of CAD.
Interestingly, the CADScor®System has reclassification properties in intermediate CAD risk patients where almost 50% can be deferred from further testing without increasing obstructive CAD risk. Thus, the CADScor®System can potentially supplement clinical assessment to guide decisions on the need for further testing.” says coordinating investigator, MD Laust Dupont Rasmussen from Gødstrup Hospital, Denmark.

“Today, many patients at intermediate risk of CAD are referred to costly and time-consuming diagnostic tests. The Dan-NICAD II results confirm the strength of CADScor® at an early stage of the patients’ journey. The intermediate risk patients represent up to 50% of all patients seeking evaluation for stable chest pain” says Per Persson, CEO Acarix

For further information, please contact:
Per Persson, CEO, E-mail:, Phone: +46 73 600 59 90

The information was released for public disclosure, through the agency of the contact person above, on August 27, 2021 at 11.30 CET.

About Acarix:
Acarix was established in 2009 and is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market (ticker: ACARIX). Acarix’s CADScor®System uses an advanced sensor placed on the skin above the heart to listen to the sounds of cardiac contraction movement and turbulent flow. It has been designed to be an all-in-one system in the sense that the heart signal will be recorded, processed, and displayed as a patient specific score, the CAD-score, on the device screen. Readout is obtained in less than 10 minutes. Safe and suitable for use in both out- and inpatient settings, the CADScor®System thus has the potential to play a major role in patient triage, avoiding the need for many patients to undergo stressful invasive diagnostic procedures. Redeye AB (+46 (0)8 121 576 90, is Certified Adviser to Acarix. For more information, please visit