The Dan-NICAD II study, with 1,726 patients referred for cCTA with symptoms suggestive of stable CAD, will further establish the diagnostic accuracy of CADScor®System compared to other stratification alternatives commonly used today and add more validated clinical data for further development of the CADScor® algorithm. The study also includes patients below the age of 40, which may provide the opportunity for an expansion of the currently identified patient group, thus enabling patients as young as 30 to use CADScor®System. The first data were presented at ESC 2021, confirming a high negative predictive value and thus the potential of CADScor®System for early rule-out of CAD. The results of the final analysis of the study data were published in the BMJ Journal, Heart (July 2023), concluding in a large contemporary cohort of patients with low CAD likelihood, the additional use of an acoustic rule-out device showed a clear potential to downgrade likelihood and could supplement current strategies for likelihood assessment to avoid unnecessary testing.