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CADScor®System – Significantly more effective than current practice

Press release
Malmö August 5, 2019

CADScor®System – Significantly more effective than current practice

Acarix AB (publ) (ACARIX: FN Stockholm) today announced the publication of a meta-analysis including 2245 patients showing Acarix’s leading CADScor®System is more than three times as effective as current practice, implying clinical and economic advantages. 

“Strong clinical evidence is one of the key pillars of our strategy and this type of aggregated clinical data is an important driver in expanding our footprint and accelerating uptake of our system”, said Per Persson, CEO of Acarix.

The meta-analysis was published in The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging and explores reclassification of patients with suspected stable chest pain. The use of the CADScore was simulated to rule-out CAD in patients with intermediate pre-test probability and suggests that the method can reduce the number of patients who should be referred for non-invasive testing, without a significant increase in the false negative rate1.

The key results in brief:

  • The CADScor®System enabled a significant and safe reclassification of patients with chest pain: more than three times as many patients could be ruled-out of stable CAD by the CADScor®System compared to current risk scoring using the established updated Diamond-Forrester score. 
  • The use of the CADScor®System as a first-line test before other non-invasive testing could significantly alter the current practise of early rule-out of stable CAD providing important clinical and economic advantages.

“The advantages of our system are increasingly visible and equip us with solid arguments in reimbursement discussions and other dialogues with care givers.” said Per Persson, CEO of Acarix.

A total of 2245 patients were analysed in the method performance analysis from the three studies, BIO-CAC, AdoptCAD and Dan-NICAD1 and the reclassification was based on 1673 patients from AdoptCAD and Dan-NICAD1 clinical studies.

More information on the results can be found and downloaded at:

For further information, please contact:
Per Persson, CEO
Phone: +46 73 600 59 90

Acarix is listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm.
Wildeco Ekonomisk Information AB (+46 8 545 271 00, is Certified Adviser to Acarix.

The information was released for public disclosure, through the agency of the contact person above, on August 5, 2019 at 12.30 (CET).

About Acarix
Acarix was established in 2009 and is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier (ticker: ACARIX). Acarix’s CADScor®System uses an advanced sensor placed on the skin above the heart to listen to the sounds of cardiac contraction movement and turbulent flow. It has been designed to be an all-in-one system in the sense that the heart signal will be recorded, processed, and displayed as a patient specific score, the CAD-score, on the device screen. Readings are obtained in less than 8 minutes. Safe and suitable for use in both out- and inpatient settings, the CADScor®System thus has the potential to play a major role in patient triage, avoiding the need for many patients to undergo stressful invasive diagnostic procedures. See more at  

1 A high sensitivity of 88.7 percent and negative predictive value of 97.2 percent were shown for the present CADScor®System algorithm.




