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Acarix announces the last patient included in Dan-NICAD II study

Press release

Malmö, Sweden December 9, 2020

Acarix announces the last patient included in Dan-NICAD II study

After the inclusion of 1726 patients, Acarix announces that the last patient has been included in Dan-NICAD II, a study of non-invasive diagnostic testing in patients with suspected Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).

The Dan-NICAD II, including 1726 patients referred to coronary CT with symptoms suggestive of stable CAD from four hospitals in Denmark, was initiated in January 2018 to further establish the diagnostic accuracy of the CADScor®System compared to other stratification alternatives commonly used today in parallel with securing more validated clinical data for further sophistication of the CADScor® Algorithm.

Combining Dan-NICAD I and II, the CADScor® data has been collected on 3401 patients which facilitates significant substance and precision of the underlaying algorithm.

The study also includes patients below the age of 40 which provides the opportunity of a possible significant expansion of the currently identified patient group, thus enable the CADScor®System to be used on patients down to 30 years of age.

We are very pleased to be able to close the inclusion period for the Dan-NICAD II study and that we have collected comprehensive data from more than 1700 patients with suspected heart disease; data that will allow us to further ennoble the CADScor® algorithm and provide further data to support the CADScor® System as a clinically documented first-line diagnostic tool for ruling out chronic CAD ” said Dr Morten Böttcher   

 The last examinations of patients are expected during Q1 2021 in parallel with core-lab data-analysis. The result of the final analysis of the study data is expected to be submitted for publication later in 2021.

For further information, please contact:

Per Persson, CEO, E-mail:, Phone: +46 73 600 59 90

This press release has been made public through the agency of the contact person set out above, at the time stated by the Company’s news distributor, GlobeNewswire, at the publication of this press release.

About Acarix:

Acarix was established in 2009 and is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market (ticker: ACARIX). Acarix’s CADScor®System uses an advanced sensor placed on the skin above the heart to listen to the sounds of cardiac contraction movement and turbulent flow. It has been designed to be an all-in-one system in the sense that the heart signal will be recorded, processed, and displayed as a patient specific score, the CAD-score, on the device screen. Readout is obtained in less than 10 minutes. Safe and suitable for use in both out- and inpatient settings, the CADScor®System thus has the potential to play a major role in patient triage, avoiding the need for many patients to undergo stressful invasive diagnostic procedures. Redeye AB is the company’s certified advisor (+46 (0)8 121 576 90, For more information please visit